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2012 Seminars and meetings

  • Septemebr, 2012, the 27th : 2nd Student XLIM Workshop

The 2nd XLIM workshop dedicated to PhD students has been held on Septemeber, the 27th over the campus "La Borie" in Limoges. Second-year PhD students presented their research work either as oral poresentation or as posters. The chairmen of the different sessions were third-year PhD students. This workshop gave a broad overview of the different research fields developped in the laboratory. Two prices for the best communication and poster have been decerned at the end of day by ELOPSYS and AVRUL.

  • July, 2012, the 7th : Seminar XLIM / AGILENT "Conception and analysis of fast signals"

AGILENT and XLIM organised a 1-day workshop on « RF and microwave conception using ADS 2011 and conception/measurement concepts dedicated to fast links (HSD) ». This meeting was proposed to researchers and students in order for them to get an overview of AGILENT toolkits for RF and microwave conception and simulation, as well as of the latest innovations of AGILENT with regard to fast signal processing (HSD).