The TV show "The health magazine" of the national French TV channel France 5 devoted a televised report on our research for therapeutic applications of nanosecond pulsed electric fields. Broadcast on September 17th 2018, it can be viewd by clicking on the image (from minute 30).
Delia Arnaud-Cormos is awarded with a junior member position at the « Institut Universitaire de France » starting the 1 October 2018, for a period of five years. Announcements and interviews - University of Limoges, CNRS INSIS, Xlim Research Institute, Ensil-Ensci Engineering school, Le Populaire.
In 2018, our group joined the International Bioelectrics Consortium, during the 15th International Bioelectrics Symposium, in Prague (Czech Republic).
"From engineering to bioelectronic medicine" - Microscoop, the journal of the CNRS Center Limousin Poitou-Charentes devoted an article to our research on electromagnetic fields used for medical applications - Special Issue - Oct. 2017.
Group presentation
The recent evolution (Sept. 2016) of the BioEM group stems from the desire to bring together researchers, professors and physicians carrying out research at the interface of engineering, biology and medicine. Our research is part of the emerging and very promising field of bioelectric/bioelectronic medicine through bioelectromagnetics, i.e. the study of the interactions of electromagnetic waves with living entities.
Our research at the interface of these three disciplines contributes to:
- the field of potential health effects related to human exposure to electromagnetic waves,
- understanding the interaction mechanisms of electric/electromagnetic fields with living entities,
- developments of new therapeutic applications based on electric/electromagnetic fields.
Scientific research topics
Generation, dosimetry and exposure systems for investigations of:
- potential health effects of wireless telecommunications signals,
- effects on living entities exposed to pulsed electric fields of ultra-short duration (<10 ns) and very high intensity (> MV/m).
- Analysis of biological, biophysical or biochemical mechanisms related to exposure to pulsed electric fields or microwaves, based on:
- bio-photonics and advanced bio-imaging tools,
- different biological models in vivo, ex vivo, in vitro, in ovo, ...
Understanding and management of cerebral vascular malformations whether arterial, venous or arteriovenous. These lesions are either potentially cerebral hemorrhagic or ischemic. Their treatment, which is still challenging, aims of providing care with a reduced therapeutic risk.
- The treatment is carried out mainly in the context of "Interventional Neuroradiology". This discipline uses instruments navigable intravascularly from distant areas of the brain based on imaging intervention.
- Interventional risks reduction requires a better understanding of the disease and its evolution, better visibility due to increasingly efficient imaging, adapted endovascular navigation and repair equipment.
- Our research concerns these three parts, ranging from comprehension to medical care. We develop adapted animal models, visualization techniques, and we design and evaluate medical care devices.
- Our work combines knowledge from medical specialists, image specialists, metallurgists, veterinarians and physicists.
- Diagnosis and management of superficial tumors such as of the peritoneum, digestive tract and pancreas.

- Surgical treatments are the reference in these pathologies with a certain oncological efficacy but a significant morbidity. Therapeutic advances are thus necessary to continue the development of minimally invasive approaches.
- The work within the team aims at developing new tools, in particular by using therapeutic properties of microwaves and nanosecond pulsed electric fields by endoscopy.
Recent publications
- García-Fernández M.A., et al. “Dosimetric characteristics of an EMF delivery system based on a real-time impedance measurement device”, BioMedical Engineering, IEEE Trans. on, 63(11), Nov. 2016. DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2016.2527927
- Carr L., et al. “Calcium-independent disruption of microtubule dynamics by nanosecond pulsed electric fields in U87 human glioblastoma cells”. Scientific Reports, 7, 41267. Jan. 2017. DOI: 10.1038/srep41267
- Lameth J., et al., “Acute Neuroinflammation Promotes Cell Responses to 1800 MHz GSM electromagnetic fields in the Rat Cerebral Cortex”. Neurotoxicity Research, June 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s12640-017-9756-3
- Soueid M., et al., “Delivery devices for exposure of biological cells to nanosecond pulsed electric fields”. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. Jul. 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s11517-017-1676-0
- Burke R., et al., “Nanosecond pulsed electric fields depolarize transmembrane potential via voltage-gated K+, Ca2+ and TRP channels”. Biochimica et biophysica acta, 1859(10). Jul. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2017.07.004
- Carr L., et al., “Visualisation of an nsPEF induced calcium wave using the genetically encoded calcium indicator GCaMP in U87 human glioblastoma cells”. Bioelectrochemistry, 119C. Feb. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2017.09.003
Ongoing projects and collaborations
Our research is based on various projects with local, national and international collaborations:
- ANSES MOTUS (Coll. IMS-Bordeaux)

- ANSES Neurinf-1800 (Coll. INSERM U.1127 - ICM Salpêtrière-Paris Hospital)

- Other collaborations: IRCER-Limoges, SIAME-Pau, ODU-Norfolk (USA), IPBS-Toulouse, ...
- LEA EBAM - European Associated Laboratory “Pulsed Electric Fields Applications in Biology and Medicine”

Group (June 2017)