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Software forge

The PREMISS platform proposes a software forge which may be visited at the following address: Based on a dedicated website, it gathers services enabling ones to collaboratively develop informatic projects, with many tools which make it easier to manage projects and improve their visibility. The aim of the forge is to make durable the projects in XLIM and beyond. This is a way to fight again the obsolescence of the calculation codes which have been developed in the past by saving them and making their maintenance and the collaborative writing of some rational documentation easier. The "cleaning" of these codes is also made easier and can be collaborative. Thus the quality of the codes is improved, which consequently enables one to reach internal and even external diffusion standards.

For each project created upon the forge, the following tools are available:

  • An introduction page;
  • A page displying activity statistics;
  • General and thematic forums;
  • A bug manager;
  • Roadmaps and task-lists;
  • Mailing lists;
  • Attached documents (texts, multimedia files ...);
  • Surveys on the orientations of projects;
  • Diffusion announces;
  • A source-code manager (git, mercurial or svn);
  • A page for downloads (precompiled binaires, etc) ;
  • A Wiki-style collaborative documentation manager (Mediawiki).

The access to each of these tools depends on the rights owned by the administrator of the project. The managing is both fine and rigorous and it enables one to manage in a stricy way the privacy of informations and their diffusion according the status and the maturity of the project.

The PREMISS platform proposes also to assist users on the use of the forge, on the porting of code on different language/operating systems and on the improvement of human-machine interfaces.