XLIM UMR CNRS 7252 has an expertise in the domain of electronics and microwaves, optics and photonics, CAD, mathematics, computer sciences and image processing for the application in secured environments, biotechnology and health, energy control and saving.
XLIM is a multidisciplinary research institute located on several geographical sites: in Limoges on the sites of ENSIL, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques and Ester-Technopole, in Brive on the site of IUT GEII and in Poitiers on the site of Technopole du Futuroscope.
XLIM incorporates more than 440 people among professors, CNRS researchers, engineers, technicians, post-doctoral researchers, PhD students and administrative staff.
XLIM is structured around:
that bring together 6 research focus
where are carried out research projects well recognized for their excellence.
The research efforts rely on the existence of 2 platforms
gives to researchers an access to technological equipment for the fabrication of microwave or optical structures (clean room and fiber tower), as well as to a large park of instruments for performing electronic, photonic, electromagnetic, and radiation measurements.
federates modelling and simulation activities at the laboratory. It features a software forge which is available to XLIM members and their external collaborators. It also proposes specific tools for multiphysical/multiscale simulation of complex systems based on models developed at XLIM, thus benefiting from the strong multidisciplinarity of the laboratory, at the interface between physics, mathematics and informatics.
XLIM also consists in