The XLIM library offers more than 13000 books, 120 recent periodicals and access to many on-line journals.
This library first opened on 1st January 2006 at the merger of all four laboratories, the founders of XLIM (LACO, LMSI, UMOP and IRCOM)
In 2009, it had at its disposal 380m² of allocated space for the construction of its future premises.
Access to theXLIM library catalogue
On-line journals
- Elsevier journals
- Kluwer journals
- Wiley journals
- online research magazines (service provided by the SCD)
- LEXISNEXIS: online international press (access provided by the SCD)
- digitised documents Gallica (access provided by the National Library of France
- list of periodicals
- Biblioscience databases (ISD, Pascal, Inspec., Medline?) electronic magazines of the ACM editor, list of websites and electronic archives
Mathematical journals
Journaux d'électronique, optique, micro-onde
Bases de données documentaires
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