Leonid, a PhD student at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, was awarded an Eiffel excellence scholarship in order to pursue his studies at the Photonics department at XLIM ...
Christophe BRUN (PhD XLIM/CINTRA) currently post-doc at the CEA-LETI Grenoble, has received a student prize IEEE MTT France during the IMS 2013 conference
GPPMM seminal work on Inhibited Coupling guiding hollow-core photonic crystal fiber (IC HC-PCF) is highlighted in the cover of September issue of the international magazine LaserFocusWorld...
Ahmad Al Hajjar, PH’d student at XLIM in C2S2 department in Brive has been rated among the ten percent best papers and has received the Gold Leaf Certificate at PRIME Conference (Conference on Ph.D Research in Microelectronics and Electronics)
Rémi Tumayan, a CIFRE PhD student with Renault company and the OSA department of the XLIM laboratory has obtained the award of the "Best oral presentation given by a student"...
Dr Benoit Debord has been awarded a “Rank Prize Funds” prize for his doctoral work on generation and confinement of micro-plasma in photonic dielectric structures...
The GPPMM group in collaboration with Prof. Katori’s team from the University of Tokyo has reached a major milestone towards the advent of highly compact optical clock...
For more than 10 years the team IRO/Photonique /XLIM has intended to promote the use of non-linear optics in the field of high-resolution imaging for astronomy in the frame of the ALOHA project...
by Boris Mordukhovich (Wayne State University - USA)