On Friday, September 3rd, the first graduation ceremony of the Erasmus Master EMIMEO (Erasmus Master on Innovative Microwave Electronics and Optics) rewarded the excellence of this first intake.
After their defence of the Master Thesis, after speeches by the main representatives of the various partner universities of the European EMIMEO project, the the awarded EMIMEO students received the EMIMEO Diploma from the president of the University, the Vice-President for the Committee on Education and University Life, the Vice-President for the Committee on International Strategy, the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology, the Director of the Physics Department, the Director of XLIM Laboratory and the local coordinators from the university of Limoges, the University of the Basque Country (Spain), The University of Brescia (Italy) and the University of Aston (Great Britain)."
This event is also an opportunity for the students of the other two intakes to meet, to share their experiences and to exchange with each other and with the international managers of the master.
60% of the awarded student are becoming PhD students (2 at the XLIM Laboratory) and 40% are entering the job market (some of them are already recruited in European Industries).
Congratulations to all!