Le professeur Michal Cifra, de l’« Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the Academy of Sciences », Czech Republic (République tchèque), donnera un séminaire intitulé « In silico analysis of electromagnetically active microtubule vibration modes in the radiofrequency/microwave band and ultra-weak photon emission from biological systems », le Lundi 5 Mai 2014 à 14h30 dans la salle XR203 à XLIM, sur le site de La Borie à Limoges.
Ce séminaire s’inscrit dans le cadre du LABEX Sigma-Lim, et est ouvert au plus grand nombre.
Nous vous y attendons nombreux !
The first part of the talk will deal with in silico analysis of electromagnetically active microtubule vibration modes which lie in the radiofrequency and microwave band. Selected experimental works on microtubule electromagnetic characterization will be presented. The second part of the talk will be focused on the description of ultra-weak photon emission from biological systems, namely intensity, spectra, generating mechanisms and hypothetic biological roles.
Biography of the author
Michal Cifra graduated (MSc.) from University of Žilina, Slovakia, in Biomedical Engineering with the thesis “Measurement of spontaneous photon emission from the human body”. He obtained PhD degree in Radioelectronics from Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, for the thesis “Study of electromagnetic oscillations of yeast cells in kHz-GHz region” which was elaborated in cooperation with the Institute of Electronics and Photonics (IPE), Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. He gain further research experience in several groups in Germany, Brazil and Japan. His expertise and interests are general electrodynamics, microtubules, biologically generated electron excited species and measurement of ultra-weak biological electromagnetic fields. Now at the IPE, he is the head of the Bioelectrodynamics research team which studies endogenous electromagnetic fields and properties of biomolecular structures and living cells (http://www.ufe.cz/en/team/bioelectrodynamics).
Contact XLIM du séminaire : Rod O'Connor (rod.oconnor@xlim.fr)