Daniele Modotto, Professeur au sein de l’équipe « Electromagnetic Fields and Photonics Group », de l’Université di Brescia en Italie, donnera un séminaire le Mardi 10 Novembre 2015 à 10h30 dans la salle de conférences à XLIM. Son séminaire s’intitule « Printed Directive Antennas for WLAN Applications ».
Note pour les doctorants : pensez à vous inscrire sur la liste d’appel lors du séminaire afin de faire valider votre participation auprès de l’école doctorale ED521 ! De plus amples informations sont disponibles sur le site de l’école doctorale (http://s2i.ed.univ-poitiers.fr/)
Abstract. Antennas exhibiting a directional radiation pattern are needed for point-to-point links and can be used to extend the coverage of a wireless network. Printed directional antennas offer the additional benefits of being compact and readily integrable with circuit boards. The talk will review the design and experimental testing of a few planar directive antennas working in the 2.44 GHz band. In particular, the classic Yagi-Uda array, composed of one driven element and many parasitic radiators, can be adapted to a planar FR4 board; by shaping the ground plane and by carefully adjusting the dimensions of the parasitic radiators it is possible to achieve a satisfactory input impedance matching and to avoid the presence of an external balun. Moreover, these printed parasitic arrays give some freedom in the choice of the radiation pattern main lobe direction.
Venez nombreux !
Contact du séminaire : alessandro.tonello@xlim.fr / seminaires@xlim.fr