Veuillez noter dans vos agendas que Anton Husakou, actuellement chercheur au Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy (Berlin) et actuellement chercheur invité à XLIM dans le cadre de la Chaire de Fetah Benabid, donnera un séminaire à XLIM le Vendredi 13 Janvier 2017 à 10h, en salle de conférences. Son exposé s’intitule « Simulation of pulse propagation: a hierarchy of numerical methods. »
Note pour les doctorants : pensez à vous inscrire sur la liste d’appel lors du séminaire afin de faire valider votre participation auprès de l’école doctorale ED521 !
Abstract. The methods for the numerical modelling of the pulse propagation in linear and nonlinear media are discussed. Depending on the considered problem, a different level of modelling is required. The strategies to select the appropriate numerical treatment will be discussed, and the corresponding numerical approaches are presented. Examples of the solutions are shown for various physical systems.
Biography of the author. Anton Husakou is a Researcher from the Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, Berlin. He works on Theoretical studies in the fields of Nonlinear optics, Plasmonics, High-field physics and high harmonic generation, Ultrafast processes, Fiber optics and Metamaterials. He is also active in the other further activities, such as the development and application of various numerical methods, third-party funding acquisition and the supervision of PhD students (h index = 26 ; 59 publications ; 2 patents and 3 book chapters).
Contact du séminaire : Céline Parvy ( /