Le Docteur Nanfang YU, Professeur de physique appliquée à l'Université Columbia (NYC), est venu visiter le laboratoire XLIM les 12 et 13 novembre derniers, sur l’invitation de Shuwen Zeng, post-doctorante, actuellement titulaire d’une bourse Marie Sklodowska-Curie.
La visite du Dr. Nanfang YU a permis de tisser des contacts et d’identifier des points d’accroches sur des activités de recherche actuellement en cours, dans plusieurs équipes de recherche du laboratoire XLIM. Le Dr. Nanfang YU a également profité de sa venue à Limoges pour visiter le laboratoire IRCER.
Durant sa visite, le Dr. Nanfang YU a également donné un séminaire intitulé "Flat optics with designer metasurfaces: physics and applications for sensing and imaging" en salle de conférences à XLIM.
Contact : Shuwen Zeng - Georges Humbert
En savoir plus sur le séminaire :
Abstract: Metasurfaces utilize strong interactions between light and two-dimensional nanostructured interfaces to control light at will, and enable us to break away from the reliance on light propagation by transferring an optical interface into functional devices. I will describe the effort of my research lab in creating flat optical devices that show record-breaking performance and new functionalities. These include small footprint integrated photonic devices, broadband achromatic flat lenses, metasurface holograms, and bioinspired radiative-cooling coatings and fibers.
CV: Nanfang Yu is an Associate Professor of Applied Physics at the Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University. He was a Research Associate in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University from 2009 to 2012. He received the Ph.D. degree in Engineering Sciences from Harvard University in 2009, and the B.S. degree in Electronics from the Department of Electronics at Peking University, Beijing, China, in 2004. Dr. Yu’s research focus on “flat optics”, which investigates strong interaction between light and two-dimensional nanostructured interfaces (“metasurfaces”) to control light at will. Dr. Yu is the recipient of 2017 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Director’s Fellowship, 2016 Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Program Award, and 2015 DARPA Young Faculty Award.